Weight Loss Journey: Day 3 of Juice Fasting

Today is day three of my weight loss journey through juice fasting and healthy eating. Today, I woke up early and joined my husband for a 20-minute workout. I did not want to, but I knew I needed to get some type of workout. I told myself, “Today is just practice,” so as not to overwhelm myself. I’d just enjoy 20 minutes in the gym.

I also weighed myself and lost 2.6 pounds in three days. It feels sort of defeating, but the plans of the diligent lead to profit—Proverbs 21:5. 

Wins & Losses

Last night, we had dinner with a wonderful newly engaged couple. Jordan made steak, and I made blackened salmon, a beautiful rainbow salad, and a fruit charcuterie board with cashews. I tried to drink as much liquid as possible: water, homemade lemonade without sugar, and my dark red juice. 

Before sitting down, because I knew I would be very tempted, I loaded up my plate with the salad and vegetables and filled my glass with homemade lemonade. I then told myself to eat slowly and enjoy what was before me.

The steak and salmon looked delightful, and I avoided it for 3/4 of the meal. I cut off a ½ portion of the blackened salmon, some cherries, blueberries, and a couple of cashews. I told myself I was not going to be hard on myself. I’ve done more than I expected. Plus, much of the food was healthy with healthy fats.

I’m not counting it as a win or loss. I’m counting it as part of my journey. I hope to be more disciplined in the future. Yet, I also wonder if my lack of cravings is coming from a small higher fat content meal at dinner time….

Beats Per Minute

On my Fitbit, I noticed my resting heart rate is 75 beats per minute. This would be a good indicator to help me track my health and other factors.

Mental Health

I feel like all I’m focusing on is what I’m not eating and what I’m drinking. It’s like an obsession that doesn’t go away, and I don’t want to be obsessive about it. I just want to make this my daily lifestyle and make good choices when I need to eat. I need to think about things that reduce stress and may be pleasurable other than what I feel I’m missing out on. Depending on my weight loss progress, I will commit to reading or writing a book or both throughout the next 45-90 days.

Energy Levels

I am not feeling very energetic, and I yearn for more energy. Before my morning workout, I took a belly shot of pineapple juice. I have read that taking pineapple juice before a workout is, in a way, like taking a pre-workout.

I was able to do a 20-minute country ride on my Peloton this morning. I am so happy with myself for getting a workout in, even though I dreaded going to the gym because it has been so long. I told myself to make it an easy 20 minutes. Get in, get out, and get in the hot tub. Jordan and I did our 20-minute workouts, grabbed our swimsuits and towels, and did a marriage devotional in the hot tub together. 

Skin Changes

Same as yesterday, I am looking forward to a spa appointment today with Brenda at Studio Montage. I’ve waited months to get in to see her! She is fabulous at what she does and just as a human being.

She is so kind, and I am deeply encouraged by her every time I see her. She’s also honest with me about changes I should make with my skincare. We also pray for each other. She is a gorgeous woman of God. 

Feedback from My Husband

Jordan, my husband, told me yesterday that I was looking really good and that he was proud of me for what I was doing and for staying consistent. I’m not sure if he actually thought it or if he was just being encouraging, but I appreciate it.

My husband does not come by encouragement naturally. And to be honest with you, after 17 years - twenty in total together - it’s taken him this long to offer up a word of encouragement without pulling it out of him.

I say this not to bring any negativity about him. I want to encourage those struggling in a marriage that can be rather difficult at times. You’re doing great, and you can do this, too! Keep staying consistent and focus on things to look forward to. Reading, walks, massages, and rafting on the Missouri River are some of my personal favorites. Today, I plan on rafting and reading.

Remember this gem from Proverbs 21:5 - “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of everyone that is hasty only to want.” We should take our time, put in the effort, and not rush things. Keep this in mind as you work toward your personal goals. I’ll do the same!

I look forward to sharing more of my journey over the next few weeks. If you like what you’ve read, sign up for my newsletter! You’ll receive weekly emails to keep you in the loop so you don’t miss any of my updates!


Weight Loss Journey: Day 4


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