Wrecked and Refined

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Weight Loss Journey: Day 5

Peter 3:3-4

3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Weight loss

I weighed 197.8 pounds today. I have lost 3.8 pounds this week. I feel really good and less massive. I was hoping to see incredible weight loss this week since it was my first week and such a big adjustment. But I’ll be happy with the weight drop since I am going in the right direction.

Stress Levels

Today was extremely stressful; immediately, it started out frustrating.

I got up late. I wanted to get a workout before Financial Friday. My husband and I do this weekly; some Fridays are more stressful than others. Let’s just say, “Never skip a week, or the next week will be dreadful…”

Yesterday, my score on my Fitbit stress tracker was 74. I am really interested to know what my score ends up being today. Throughout this blogging journey, I’ve realized how much stress can contribute to weight loss. I even took a moment to think about what was happening this morning when I was arguing with my husband and said to him, “I can’t do this right now.”

I am craving a large breakfast, and that has the potential to derail my weight loss goals. He was very kind and apologized. He changed his tone, and so did I. He gave me time to mentally prepare for the rest of the day, and we worked together to accomplish our responsibilities.

We never tackled Financial Friday as there were just too many other stressful tasks for the rest of Friday. We both agreed to get up early Saturday morning and start the day with a clean slate and a better attitude. What really impressed me was that I was able to realize that the stress was causing my cravings to shout out, “Go eat heavy foods.”


I have not drunk coffee in over a week. This is a huge accomplishment for me! I drank beet juice this morning and had imitation crab, mango, cucumbers, baby tomatoes, and a teaspoon of almond butter for lunch, definitely because of the stress contributors. 😩 My mess-ups were not bad for my body - just disappointing for my goals. I will not be hard on myself for this. I just need to try harder to be disciplined.

Sleep Quality

I slept great last night! My Fitbit sleep score was 84! I found out that a tired body produces two hormones, ghrelin and leptin, the hunting hormones. When you’re sleep deprived, you produce more ghrelin and less leptin—this combination signals to your brain that your energy levels are low and you need to eat. To avoid this, my goal is to sleep 7.5 hours per night and get in bed by 9 p.m.

Clothing Fit 

My clothing fits better than last week. Last Sunday, I ordered a medium-sized blue dress for a wedding from Amazon. It was a risk since I have been wearing a size large for the past five years.

I tried it on right before writing this blog post. Honestly, it was really hard to get over my boobs! These dang girls have got to go. My husband says it made my boobs look flat. I did not wear my fat-sucker-inner, so my belly looked huge.

Ughhh, is this actually going to happen for me? Am I really going to lose 60 more pounds? Lord, I need you now. 🙏

My big takeaway is that I am wearing a medium, and I don’t care if my boobs are flat. I squeaked into that baby like a semi through an auto car wash. I was lucky the belt band did not rip. I’m going to wear it tomorrow - flat boobs or not.


Today was a hard day to get through. The biggest struggle was arguing with my husband. I have known that conflict was my trigger for caving into bad eating habits, but I never could overcome it like I was able to today.

I did spend time talking more with God throughout the day. I prayed during the stressful moments, even if it was on the pot (you get me, moms) or sneaking a few minutes to lay on my bed and praise God for all He is doing in my health journey.

I asked Him to strengthen me. I found myself praising Him like never before. The Lord does not care if you look like a large bus in your clothes or if your boobs are flat and your stomach is hanging over the lower half of your body. He cares about our hearts. ❤️ My heart is to serve Him first. To honor and obey Him. To seek out His will while repenting for any of my weaknesses.

Be strong in the Lord. Let your heart be light with His joy. Now, with that said, I am a complete jerk for just yelling through text at my husband. Not a way to have a nice heart. So, yes, I will repent and tell him I’m sorry after my nerves smooth out. Until tomorrow, blessings to you!

I look forward to sharing more of my journey over the next few weeks. If you like what you’ve read, sign up for my newsletter! You’ll receive weekly emails to keep you in the loop so you don’t miss any of my updates!

-Christian, Wrecked and Refined