Wrecked and Refined

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Weight Loss Journey: Day 4

Today is day 4 of my weight loss journey. I am mainly just juicing throughout the day. And in the evening I am having a healthy fat like salmon or avocado and vegetables. This morning, I had a teaspoon of natural almond butter. That was a treat! It was definitely needed after the two scoops of protein broth powder and green juice I had for breakfast. I remind myself, “The goal is nutrition; that is what my body needs to have.”


The large amount of fat that was between my snugly buttoned shorts and bra seems to be very discreetly diminishing. My breasts seem to be doing nothing. Oh, how I wish they would start to reduce in size. 

Sleep Quality

I was shocked, as it was very hard to sleep last night. But I found it easy to get up this morning, though it wasn’t as early as I had hoped. 

Stress Levels

Looking back through my Fitbit tracker, I noticed a few weeks ago that my stress level was averaging in the high 70s. Since I’ve been on my juice fast this last week, I’ve been in the low 70s and even high 60s. I will enjoy looking at these numbers in a few months to see the difference.

Energy Levels 

Last night was the first time I noticed a big boost in my energy. It was hard to go to sleep, and I finally had to get up from bed and take some calcium to help me fall asleep soundly. 

Workout Motivation

Today, I only felt up to a 15-minute workout. Wednesday is mid-week fertilizer day for my beautiful flowers, and due to my late night up, I slept in a bit later than I had hoped. I took off to fertilize. When I returned, I ran to the gym for a 15-minute Peloton workout. Just imagine the toxins I sweated out. 

Today's Limeade Recipe

  • Berry Limeade

  • 9 Limes (juiced) 

  • 1 Bag of Frozen Berries (juiced)

  • 3 Gallons of Water

  • Truvia (sweeten to your liking)

  • Ice 


I have been finding that my hydration recipe (water with lemon or lime and Truvia) is my favorite perk of each day. It’s also very convenient that I have it in a large pitcher on the counter filled with ice. When I just walk through the kitchen, I can refill my water bottle. It tastes delicious, and I’m ready to go on to the next task, well-hydrated.


The Bible warns us against obesity because it’s often a sign that food has become too important to us — in other words, a sign of gluttony or an idol. The book of Proverbs says, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat.” (Proverbs 23:20). I encourage you today to take one step at a time. Find something other than food to satisfy a craving. 

I look forward to sharing more of my journey over the next few weeks. If you like what you’ve read, sign up for my newsletter! You’ll receive weekly emails to keep you in the loop so you don’t miss any of my updates!

-Christian, Wrecked and Refined